Email Training

Email is not dead in fact it's fundamental to the wider marketing success of your campaigns! In this course we discuss how to use it to best effect.

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Email is fundamental to any form of modern marketing. In this course we are going to show you how to create, contextualise and then analyse you’re emails. The core thing to remember is that email done well will give your campaigns contextual relevance, helps your customers in their purchasing journey and gives them a great source of information. Done badly it becomes a point of friction which will lose you customers quickly so you need to do it right.

Your Instructor

Adam Aigbokhae
Adam Aigbokhae

Hi, I'm Adam or Ads to most people. I run the strategy both internally and for clients at Six & Flow.

I designed these training courses to help train anyone who wanted to learn how to use HubSpot and the fundamentals of creating strategies and campaigns.

HubSpot is a big tool with a lot of capabilities and it can sometimes be overwhelming. That's where these training videos can come in to try and help you using the system and understanding the theory too.

I hope you find the courses useful and they help you to answer some of the questions that you may have. Good Luck!

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